I Want...

This cozy comfy-ness to rock my baby in:
Of course, I'm not picky. I'd take it in red, too.

Oh, and be a love a make sure to throw the matching ottoman in? Cheers.

These cookies:

Now, who wants to make them for me? Don't all jump at once. Ok, you can all make them for me, if you insist! Gosh.

This diaper bag:

Please note: There is no way on earth that I would ever possibly need this diaper bag to the point that I would actually pay for it. Therefore, I shall never own it. And there will be weeping.

A pumpkin spice blended creme from Starbucks:

Ooh-da-lolly, those things are good. If you've never had one, go get one now. But come pick me up first. Because really, it was my idea.

These maternity jeans:

The best part about these is that they are not terribly expensive, so I can probably actually buy them! When I say "Hip hip" you say "Hooray!"

This list really could grow quite a bit more. But before you color me selfish, consider that 3 of these 5 things are within financial grasp. I'm really being quite self-depriving, you know, to deny myself these things.

We'll just see how long the denial lasts.