Goal tracking sheet
If you've ever read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, then you know that she highly recommends having some kind of chart to help track your goals/resolutions/whatever you want to call them.
(And if you've never read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, would you do that soon, please? It's wonderful.)
So last year, in an attempt to be smarter about my goals, I did just that. It was a nice little sheet that I printed every month to help me see the progress I was making on my "things to do." And while my goals didn't quite work out the way I wanted them to last year, it certainly wasn't because of my goal sheet!
This year, my goal sheet got an update, and I'm pretty proud of it. We don't need to go into what the old one looked like, but just know that this one is better. Behold:
(And if you've never read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, would you do that soon, please? It's wonderful.)
So last year, in an attempt to be smarter about my goals, I did just that. It was a nice little sheet that I printed every month to help me see the progress I was making on my "things to do." And while my goals didn't quite work out the way I wanted them to last year, it certainly wasn't because of my goal sheet!
This year, my goal sheet got an update, and I'm pretty proud of it. We don't need to go into what the old one looked like, but just know that this one is better. Behold:
As you can see, I've divided the sheet up into sections: daily (read the Bible and the Book of Mormon -- not one of my specified goals, but definitely something I need to do), weekly, monthly, ongoing (to do over the course of the year), and one-time (to do once during the year).
This gives me a very visual idea of the progress I'm making on my goals. Daily and weekly things get checkmarks when they're finished, and everything else just gets crossed off.
I also changed the color of the text for ongoing and one-time things that I need to do this month to be on track. For example, I want to write 24 blog posts this year. To do that, I should technically write 2 in January. So I made the numbers 1 and 2 purple, to help me see that that's what I need to do this month. I also picked a few one-time things to focus on this month, and I changed their color, too.
If you're a goal-setter (or want to be), I seriously recommend doing this! It keeps track of everything so nicely. It takes a little work to get the first one set up just the way you want it done, but once you've got that first one done, updating it every month is so fast!
So get to it, why don't ya?