Stitch Fix -- July 2016

Have you been wondering where my Stitch Fix posts went? Or have you not really cared?

On second thought, don't answer that. Let's just jump into this review before either of us gets embarrassed. 

{about stitch fix}

Wondering what the heck Stitch Fix is? Here's a quick rundown for you:

Stitch Fix is an online styling/shopping service. For a $20 styling fee, they send you five clothing pieces or accessories that a personal stylist has chosen just for you, based on your style profile, special notes to your stylist, and even your Pinterest boards. When you receive the box, you can choose to purchase as many of the items as you want to keep forever, and then return what you don't want in the provided return bag (postage is prepaid!). Your $20 styling fee gets deducted from your shopping total, and if you love everything, you get a 25% discount off of the entire box!

You can choose to just receive one box (no subscription required!), or you can subscribe to receive boxes as often as you want them: every 2-3 weeks, monthly, every other month, or quarterly. So pretty much whenever you want.

Stitch Fix has been a great way for me to try some clothes that I may have never picked up in a store. It's also made it convenient for me to shop, since I don't have to drag my kiddos to a store with me just so they can hide in the racks the whole time. #truth

Honestly, some boxes are better than others. And some of the pieces are a little bit more expensive than the clothes I usually find for myself. But in my opinion, even keeping ONE thing from your box is worth it, since you get $20 off it! 

{full disclosure: the links to Stitch Fix's site are referral links, so if you use them and then sign up for a box, I get a little credit! No pressure or anything, but you might become one of my favorite humans if you were to do such a thing. Not that you're not a favorite already. I'm going to stop now.}

{my stitch fix -- july 2016}

My last two Stitch Fixes have been...disappointing. I received quite a few sleeveless tops and other things that I just wasn't comfortable wearing. I emailed the company's customer service to point out that some of my style requirements weren't being met. They were super responsive and very helpful; they asked me some specific questions to help point them in the right direction.

Whatever I told them, it must have worked, because I'm really, really happy with this box! Check it out:

Fun2Fun Binder Neck Top ($48)

first impressions: Cute color combo and fun pattern. I hope it's long enough!

fun2fun binder neck top stitch fix

thoughts: I like it! It's surprisingly flattering. I think the length is good and I really do love the pattern and colors. I'm not sure about the neckline; the opening goes a little too low for my taste and I'd probably need to wear an undershirt with it, which probably means I wouldn't really be able to wear this one until Fall. It's a toughie! I'm decidedly UNDECIDED.


Fun2Fun Olicia Button Front Top ($44)

first impressions: I like the floral print. Not sure about the high neck. 

fun2fun olicia button front top stitch fix

thoughts: Yeah, this doesn't look great on. The collar comes up too high, and the fit is pretty boxy and hits me at the wrong spot, making me look wider. This one has to be a RETURN.


Loveappella Winere Henley Knit Top ($48)

first impressions: Cute. Cute cute cute. And Dallin really likes me in red!

loveappella winere henley knit top stitch fix

thoughts: I love it! Long, soft, and with some fun details. Keeping it! KEEP.



Loveappella Gaura Back Detail Knit Top ($54)

first impressions: STRIPES. You guys, I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again: I love stripes. Love 'em. 

loveappella gaura back detail knit top stitch fix

(I promise I feel happier than I look in this picture.)

loveappella gaura back detail knit top (back) stitch fix

thoughts: Well, huh. The stripes rock, there's no denying that. I love the colors, and I actually really like the unique detail on the back. The only thing holding me back from making this a definite "yes" is that the scoop on the back is just baaaaarely high enough. I could definitely imagine a scenario where it sneaks down too low and things get awkward. But really, I like everything else about this. So do I chance it? UNDECIDED.


Liverpool Mira Skinny Jean ($78)

first impressions: Will these finally be THE pants that I buy from Stitch Fix? A little background info: Stitch Fix has sent me several pairs of pants/jeans over time, but I haven't kept a single pair. I've always been impressed by the comfort and quality, but the fit has never been quite right.

(I'm wearing these jeans in all of the above pictures, so go look at those if you want to see what they look like!)

thoughts: Ack, I'm torn. Again, these are SO comfy. In fact, they don't even have a zipper/button on the waistband; they're just pull up jegging-type pants. That's how you know they're comfy. And I like the dark wash, especially because the super dark wash jeggings I have need to be replaced in a bad way. Buuuut...they're a little long, and a little baggy around the knee. My super awesome mom-bod has made shopping for pants all sorts of fun. These might be worth a trip to get them hemmed, though. I just don't know. Probably not for the price...right? UNDECIDED.



Honestly, I'm super duper impressed with this box. Like I said, my last couple boxes have been clunkers, so I'm excited to see some good options here! Any input as to what I should keep and what I should send back?

If you've got any interest in getting a box from Stitch Fix, click on over and fill out your style profile to get started. 

Thanks for reading!